what memory tool places disconnected information into units that are easier to remember?

The Retention Procedure

Memory is the processes that is used to larn, retain, and later retrieve information. The retentivity procedure involves three domains: encoding, storage, and retrieval.

Encoding – processing incoming information so information technology can exist entered into memory

Storage – maintaining data in memory for a period of time

Retrieval – accessing or recalling stored data from memory so it tin be used

memory process

Overview of the Memory Process

Encoding is the process of getting information into memory. If information or stimuli never gets encoded, it volition never exist remembered. Encoding requires paying attention to information and linking information technology to existing cognition in social club to make the new information meaningful and thus easier to call back.

Storage consists of retention of information over time. It is believed that nosotros can assemble information in three master storage areas: sensory retention, curt-term retentivity, and long-term retention. These areas vary according to time frames.

Retrieval is the process of getting information out of memory. The ability to access and call up information from memory allows yous to apply the memories to respond questions, perform tasks, make decisions, and interact with other people.


Encoding is the process of getting information into retention. If information or stimuli never gets encoded, information technology will not be remembered.

Encoding is the first stage of the memory process.  Encoding occurs when information is translated into a form that tin exist processed mentally. Information from the surround is constantly reaching your senses in the forms of stimuli. Encoding allows you lot to change the stimuli and so that you lot may put information technology into your retentiveness. It is similar to librarians classifying books before placing them on a shelf. As librarians encode/label books then patrons to hands locate them, you encode/label information earlier placing the information into your retention.

Two Means of Encoding

Simply receiving sensory input is non sufficient to encode information. Y'all must attend to and process that input. Encoding that information occurs through both automated processing and effortful processing.

Automated processing occurs without any witting awareness. It occurs effortlessly, automatically, without you having to call back about it. Examples includes details like time, infinite, frequency, personal experience, and some motor skills learning.

You are always encoding the events of your life. Every day you encode events and can remember what happened, at least for a while. For instance, yous probably tin call up what you had for dinner concluding nighttime, even though you didn't intentionally try to recollect that information. However, other types of information become encoded only if you pay attending to it. For example, you would need to pay attention if someone gave y'all their phone number or gave y'all a list of items to pick up at the store. That types of encoding is effortful processing, since it involves effort.

Effortful processing occurs when y'all consciously attempt to call back information. It requires special attention, thought, and exercise. In other words, you have to put in endeavor to become the information in to memory.

Iii Kinds of Encoding

When information comes into your sensory memory, information technology needs to be inverse into a form that can be stored.  There are three main means in which data can be encoded/changed:

  1. Visual (picture)
  2. Audio-visual (sound)
  3. Semantic (significant)

Visual encoding: Information is represented every bit a picture

Acoustic encoding: Data is represented as sounds

Semantic encoding: Data is represented by its meaning to you lot

When you are exposed to information through your senses, you accept the information and begin processing it in visual, audio-visual, and/or semantic form. This means that you take in data, either equally a movie, a sound, or give the information meaning. For example, if you await at a telephone number on a piece of newspaper, you are using visual encoding. If you say the number out loud, you lot are acoustically encoding. If y'all observe that some of the digits sequentially represent a special date, you give that number meaning and thus semantically encoding.


Storage is the retention of information over time. This second stage of the memory procedure creates a permanent tape of the encoded information.

It is believed that we tin accumulate information in three main storage areas: sensory retentiveness, brusk-term retentiveness, and long-term memory. Information is stored sequentially in the three memory systems, and the storage areas vary co-ordinate to time frames. The flow of time that information is retained is anywhere from a fraction of a second to years. Sensory retentiveness just stores data for a brief 2nd. Curt-term memory can hold information longer, simply it is only usually about 30-45 seconds. Long-term memory, however, tin last a lifetime.

Sensory Memory

Sensory retention stores incoming sensory data in detail, just simply for a fraction of a second. The capacity of sensory memory is very large, but the data in it is unprocessed.

Curt-Term Retentivity

Some of the information in sensory retentivity transfers to brusque-term retentiveness. Curt-term memory can concur information for approximately 30-45 seconds. Rehearsing the data can help keep it in short-term memory longer. For example, if you repeat a person'south phone number over and over to yourself, yous are using rehearsal to proceed it in your short-term memory.

Brusk-term memory has a limited capacity. It is believed to hold almost seven pieces of information, plus or minus two pieces. Chunking is a method that can help increase the capacity of short-term retention. Chunking involves grouping small bits of information into larger chunks. So, you lot still retain the same number of items (7 +/- 2), only the size of the items are bigger.

Long-Term Retentiveness

Long-term memory has an almost an unlimited storage capacity. Data that makes information technology into long-term memory can remain at that place for your entire life. All the same, fifty-fifty though it is there you may not always be able to call up the information, considering yous may non be able to recollect it. The fashion we store information in long-term memory affects the way nosotros call up it.


Retrieval is the process of recalling stored information from memory. Basically, information technology is getting data out of your long-term retentivity and returning it to your conscious mind.

Recognition and Retrieve

There are 2 master methods of retrieving memories:

  • Recognition
  • Recall


Recognition is the association of something with something previously experienced. Information technology involves comparing new information with information stored in retentiveness. The recognition process is initiated as a response to a sensory cue. When y'all run across something, you compare it to data stored in your retentivity. Hence, you recognize information technology. For example, you may go to a party and see a person you recognize from a prior experience.

Call back

Call back is the retrieval of data from memory without a cue. If a person asks you a question, y'all must search your memory to recall the answer. It involves remembering a fact, event, or other data that is non currently physically nowadays. For example, you may have to recall the listing of items you had on your shopping listing.

Related Links


Nomenclature of Retentivity

Memory Process

Stages of Memory

Types of Retentiveness

Encoding Retentivity

Memory Techniques

Causes of Forgetting

Encoding Information into Retentivity

Paying Attention and Retention

Types of Attention

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Source: https://thepeakperformancecenter.com/educational-learning/learning/memory/classification-of-memory/memory-process/

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